Practice the following music for our Spring Concert
Mr. Spencer's Classes
Piano 1:55
- Bad News Bears
- A Funny Pair
- Piano Tango
- Frolic
- Two Step Swing
- Super Mario Bro’s Loop
Practice along with these Piano Videos!
Piano 2:30
- Mary Had a Little Lamb
- This Old Man
- Musette
- Piano Tango
- Frolic
- Two Step Swing
- Super Mario Bro’s Loop
Practice along with these Piano Videos!
Piano 3:05
- Oh Susannah
- Brahms’ Lullaby
- America.
- Piano Tango
- Frolic
- Two Step Swing
- Super Mario Bro’s Loop
Practice along with these Piano Videos!
Winds 3:40
- Old McDonald
- Yankee Doodle
- Ode to Joy
- Piano Tango
- Frolic
- Two Step Swing
- Super Mario Bro’s Loop
Ms. Amira's Classes
Violin 1:55
- Bumper Cars
- Ping Pong
- Piano Tango
- Frolic
- Two Step Swing
- Super Mario Bro’s Loop
Violin 2:30
- Lightly Row
- Old Mac Donald
- Piano Tango
- Frolic
- Two Step Swing
- Super Mario Bro’s Loop
Violin 3:05
- German Dance
- Ode to Joy
- Piano Tango
- Frolic
- Two Step Swing
- Super Mario Bro’s Loop
Yellow Submarine:
Hokey Pokey:
Eleanor Rigby:
Watchin the Waves:
Three Little Birds:
Ain’t too proud to beg:
Helpful Videos:
Previous Weeks:
What we practiced this week- October 24th
Mr. Spencer’s Classes
Piano 1:55
- Practice exercise 5 A Funny Pair, using thumb on C and first finger on D.
- Pay attention to the rests as well!
Practice along with these Piano Videos!
Piano 2:30
- Practice page 12, counting 8th notes out loud.
- Either use beats ie 1 and 2 and etc or count out the names of the notes as quar-ter and eighth-note
Practice along with these Piano Videos!
Piano 3:05
- Warm up with exercise 46 Railroad crossing, then practice America on pages 58 and 59.
- We’ll go over counting out dotted quarter notes next week.
Practice along with these Piano Videos!
Winds 3:40
- saxophone-practice hot cross buns, focus on repeated notes and taking only half of the mouthpiece rather than all of it
- clarinets-practice polly wally doodle, make note of how many times Bb shows up in this piece
- flute-practice exercise #4 Four in a row, work on breathing between notes and holding up your flute without relying on your chin or shoulders
Ms. Lauren’s Classes
Violin 1:55
- Today we learned a Halloween song!Black CatD. A. D. A. A. A. A. A. A.Black cat black cat looking for a witchD. A. D. A. A. A. A. A. A.Black cat black cat night as dark as pitchE. A. E. A. E. E. E. E. E.You can see me ‘cause your eyes are greenD. A. D. A. D. D. D. D. D.Black cat black cat this is Halloween! Boo!
Violin 2:30
- Today we learned a Halloween song! Remember B is one finger on A string. G is 3 fingers on D string. F# is 2 fingers in the D string. E is 1 finger on the D string.Black CatD. A. D. A. A. A. A. A. A.Black cat black cat looking for a witchD. A. D. A. A. A. A. A. A.Black cat black cat night as dark as pitchB. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B.You can see me ‘cause your eyes are greenD. A. D. A. A. G. F#. E. D.Black cat black cat this is Halloween! Boo!
Violin 3:05
- – learned Mary had a little lamb and Suzuki book 3 Gavotte!
What we practiced this week- October 17th
Piano 1:55
- Page four of piano book practice Three’s a crowd and bumper cars.
- We worked on on counting out longer notes
Piano 2:30
- We worked on pages 10 and 11.
- Practice the new note F and focus on keeping fingers in place.
- Thumb on middle c
Piano 3:05
- We worked on pages 56 and 57. Be sure to focus on having left hand in the correct position.
- Thumb on G for left hand. Not the cross over into b and a and for treble clef
Winds 3:40
- Saxophone-work on notes B A and G,
- Flute-working on Eb and D sustaining whole notes along with whole rests
- Clarinets-review ode to joy and take a look at the following page, we’ll cover the next couple of pages next class
Violin 1:55
- – reviewed Ants song
- – ring bow hold game
- – learned 1 finger on E string (F#)
- Homework: Ping Pong and any song with F#
Violin 2:30
- – reviewed Ants song and My first song
- – did solos!
- – learned first part of Mary had a little lamb
- Homework: Mary Had a Little Lamb
Violin 3:05
- – learned Mary had a little lamb and Suzuki book 3 Gavotte!
What we practiced this week- October 10th
Piano 1:55
- Practice page four of piano fun music book. Work on counting two beats for the half notes and don’t forget the rests!
Piano 2:30
- Work on pages 5 and 9 of the piano fun book. Focus mostly on songs number 7 and 14, Skateboard Sam and French Fries. Bonus:practice mary had a little lamb from page 10 and perform it in class next week!
Piano 3:05
- Practice left hand for page 47 More Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. We will go over the music intervals for the left hand next week. Look at right hand and left hand separately of page 48 More London Bridge, prepare to work on hands together next class
Winds 3:40
- Saxophone-work on notes B A and G, we’ll be playing hot cross buns next class. Test out placement for neck strapClarinets-review jingle bells and practice mexican hat danceFlute-practice notes Bb, C and D. Reference the fingering chart for D, we will warm up with this note next class
Violin 1:55
- Awesome playing today! We reviewed our bow holds with straws and pennies. Then we reviewed the Ants song and learned My first song from the book. At home practice the Ants song and another song from the first 7 songs in the book.
Violin 2:30
- We did lots today! We reviewed our bow holds with straws and pennies. Then we reviewed the Ants song and learned to put one finger on the D string (Called E). Practice the songs with the first finger on the D string for next time and we will have solos to start next week.
- Ukulele- Great work! We learned three chords – C F and G, and practices switching between them. Then we learned Somewhere Over the Rainbow. Practice that this week and we will learn another song next time.
Violin 3:05
- Well done this week! We reviewed our bow holds with straws and pennies. Then we got to practice London Bridge lots and learn how to put three fingers on the D string and A string. Practice London Bridge for next week.