Practice the following music for our Spring Concert
Mrs. Desiree's Classes
Piano 2:45
- Mary Had a Little Lamb- p10
- Cabbage and Lettuce Duet- p13
- Twinkle Twinkle- p16
- Super Mario Bro’s Loop
- Piano Tango
- Frolic
- Two Step Swing
- D Major Fantasy
Intermediate Piano 3:15
- More Hot Cross Buns p26
- Rain Rain Go Away p27
- Mary’s Big Cha Cha p32
- Super Mario Bro’s Loop
- Piano Tango
- Frolic
- Two Step Swing
- D Major Fantasy
Winds 3:45
- Shoo Fly p11
- Yankee Doodle Cha Cha p13
- Twinkle Twinkle & Ode to Joy p20
- Super Mario Bro’s Loop
- Piano Tango
- Frolic
- Two Step Swing
- D Major Fantasy
Beginning Strings 4:15
- Lightly Row p16
- Twinkle Twinkle p18
- Ode to Joy p39
- Super Mario Bro’s Loop
- Piano Tango
- Frolic
- Two Step Swing
- D Major Fantasy
Intermediate Strings 4:45
- My Sombrero p27
- Clowns of Paris 38,
- Ode to Joy 39
- Super Mario Bro’s Loop
- Piano Tango
- Frolic
- Two Step Swing
- D Major Fantasy
Helpful Videos:
Piano Fun Book Videos
3 Videos
What we practiced this week- November 31st
Mrs. Desiree’s Classes
Piano 2:45
- Today we reviewed p10,p11
We wrote notes p66,Line 1 and 2
We played Jingle Bells p66
For next class play p10/11,66
Intermediate Piano 3:15
- Today we reviewed p16
We played p21 and learned new left hand note G
We wrote notes P66,67 Jingle Bells
For next class play p21, p66
Winds 3:45
- Today we reviewed p6,p11,p12,
We played p15 , p19 Jingle Bells
For next class play p10 Dreydl,p15 ,p19
Beginning Strings 4:15
- Today we reviewed p18, we played p20
p22. We learned new dotted half note, we played
For next class play p20,22,24
Intermediate Strings 4:45
- Today we reviewed songs p18,22
We played p20,p41,p43
For next class play p20,p41,p43
What we practiced this week- November 17th
Mrs. Desiree’s Classes
Piano 2:45
- Today we reviewed p8-11
We learned eighth notes p12
Play pgs 8-11 for next class
Happy Thanksgiving!
Intermediate Piano 3:15
- Today we reviewed p14,15
We played Finger Fun p16, Twinkle p17
Play pgs 14-16 for next class
Happy Thanksgiving!
Winds 3:45
- Today we reviewed notes B, C,D,E,F,G
We played songs p9,11,13
We learned new note p15,
Play pg13-15 for next class
Happy Thanksgiving!
Beginning Strings 4:15
- We reviewed notes D,E,F#,G,A,B
We played p18,20,21
We learned down and up bow symbols,repeat sign
Play pgs 18,20,21 for next class
Happy Thanksgiving!
Intermediate Strings 4:45
- We reviewed D scale, we reviewed p16,18,21,27,32
Play all your favorite songs over vacation
Happy Thanksgiving!
What we practiced this week- November 3rd
Piano 2:45
- Today we reviewed P10, we wrote note names p11
We reviewed Notes:C,D,E,F,G,
For next class play p11 and review p9-10
Home practice videos on this page below
Intermediate Piano 3:15
- Today we reviewed p11 and p12 -our new
eighth notes. We wrote note names p14
For next class play p14
Home practice videos on this page below
Winds 3:45
- Today we reviewed all our notes up to p11
Clarinets -keep working on ‘C’
We reviewed quarter, half, whole notes
We reviewed songs to p11
For next class review songs to p11
Beginning Strings 4:15
- Today we reviewed notes D,E,F#,G
We reviewed p11-16 songs
We learned new note B , p17
For next week review p16, play p18 Twinkle
Intermediate Strings 4:45
- Today we reviewed D scale notes.
We reviewed songs p18,p27
We played p32 Popcorn (D scale), p43
For next class play p27,p32, p43
What we practiced this week- October 27th
Piano 2:45
- Today we reviewed notes C,D,E,G
We reviewed p8-10
We learned new note F p11
For next class play pg 8-11
Intermediate Piano 3:15
- Today we reviewed p10,11
We learned new eighth notes p12
We played p12-13
For next class play pg 13
Winds 3:45
- Today we reviewed all our notes
We played p6,p9,p11
We learned new eighth notes p12
For next class review your songs up to p11
Beginning Strings 4:15
- Today we reviewed notes D,E,F#
We played p10-12 songs
We learned new note G p15
For next class review p11 and try p16 Lightly Row
Intermediate Strings 4:45
- Today we reviewed our D scale notes
We reviewed p43 Are You Sleeping
We played p45 This Little Light
For next class review p17, all p43 and p45
What we practiced this week- October 20th
Mrs. Desiree’s Classes
Piano 2:45
- Today we reviewed p8;note E
- We learned whole note and repeat p9.
- For next class play p8-9
- Home practice video here
Intermediate Piano 3:15
- Today we reviewed p8-10
- We learned new note F p11
- For next class play p10-11
- Home practice video here
Winds 3:45
- Today we reviewed p6-7;notes C,D,E,F,G
- Weplayed songs p8-10
- We learned new note B, p11
- For next class play p9-11
Beginning Violin 4:15
- Today We reviewed notes; D,E,F#
- We played p10-14
- We learned new note G p15
- For next class play pgs 11-15
Intermediate Strings 4:45
- Today we reviewed D scale notes.
- We played p18,22,26,27,43
- For next class play p27,p43
What we practiced this week- October 13th
Piano 2:45
- Great job today everyone!
- We reviewed p5-6;notes C,D,G
- We learned dotted half notes p7, new note E p8
- For next class play p6,7,8
- Fun home practice video here
Intermediate Piano 3:15
- We reviewed p7,8
- We learned whole notes, repeats p9
- We played p10
- For next class play p8-10
- Fun home practice video here
Winds 3:45
- We reviewed all our notes to p6
- We learned half notes and played songs p7-10.
- For next week play songs p6-10
Beginning Violin 4:15
- We reviewed p8;notes D,A,E and rests
- We learned new note F# p9
- For next class play p9-11
Intermediate Violin 4:45
- We reviewed D scale notes ,we reviewed
- dotted half notes and repeat sign. We played
- p18,22,26,27
- For next class play songs up to p27
What we practiced this week- October 6th
K-1 Violin
We reviewed p3-4;notes C,D, rests, quarter notes
and half notes.
For next class play p4-5.
Home practice video here
Gr2-4 Piano
We reviewed p5-7;notes C,D,G rests, quarter notes
half notes, dotted half notes
We played p8 new note E
For next class review p6-7, play p8
Home practice video here
We reviewed notes D,E,F,G and played songs
We learned new note C p6
For next class play p5 and 6
Beg Strings
We reviewed playing position and pg5-6;notes D,A
We played pg 8;new note E
For next class play p8
Intermed Strings
We reviewed D scale notes and p16 and 18
For next class review p16,18 and play p22 Old MacDonald
Remember repeat sign 🙂
Have fun!
What we practiced this week- September 29th
K-1 Piano
We reviewed p3; playing C and D quarter notes, keeping our right thumb
on middle C and pointer on D.
We learned about half notes p4.
For next class; review p3 and try p4
Helpful home practice video HERE
Gr2-4 Piano
We reviewed p3; playing C and D quarter notes, keeping our right thumb
on middle C and pointer on D.
We learned about half notes p4,5
We learned new note G;finger 5 ,p6
For next class; review p4,5,6
Helpful home practice video HERE
We reviewed pg1-2:notes E,F. We played pg3
and learned new note G p4, D p5.
For next class review pages 1-5; whole notes, quarter notes
and quarter rests.
Gr2-5 Beg Strings
We reviewed playing position. We played pg 2-6;D,A quarter rests
We learned new note E pg 8
For next class review up to pg 8
Intermediate Strings
We reviewed our D scale notes and played songs up to p18.
For next week review your favorite songs, concentrate on p16 and 18.