Practice the following music for our Spring Concert on April 19th!
Ms. Sachi's Classes
Violin 2:50
- Super Mario Bro’s Loop– Beginning Violin
- Piano Tango – Blue Violin
- Frolic– Easy Violin
- Two Step Swing
- D Major Fantasy
Violin 3:25
- Super Mario Bro’s Loop Violin 2
- Piano Tango– Yellow Violin
- Frolic – Violin
- Two Step Swing
- D Major Fantasy
Ukuleles 3:55
- Blues Dues, pg 20
- Yankee Doodle, pg 21
- When the Saints Go Marchin In pg 19
- Super Mario Bro’s Loop– ukulele
- Piano Tango– ukulele
- Frolic– ukulele
- Two Step Swing
- D Major Fantasy
Advanced Violin 4:25
- Can Can
- Super Mario Bro’s Loop– violin 1
- Piano Tango– Green Violin
- Frolic– Violin
- Two Step Swing
- D Major Fantasy
Mr. Dave's Classes
Piano 2:50
- Mary Had a Little Lamb p10
- Cabbage Song p13
- Twinkle p16
- Super Mario Bro’s Loop
- Piano Tango
- Frolic
- Two Step Swing
- D Major Fantasy
- Click Here to Practice with the Piano Videos!
Piano 3:25
- More Twinkle page 47,
- Snake Charmer page 52
- Ode to Joy pg 55,
- More Are You Sleeping on page 50.
- Super Mario Bro’s Loop
- Piano Tango
- Frolic
- Two Step Swing
- D Major Fantasy
- Click Here to Practice with the Piano Videos!
Winds 4:00
- Ode to Joy pg 20,
- America on pg 23
- Go Fight Win on page 29.
- Super Mario Bro’s Loop
- Piano Tango
- Frolic
- Two Step Swing
- D Major Fantasy
Winds 4:30
- Spring on page 60
- Military March
- Dreydl Dreydl
- Super Mario Bro’s Loop
- Piano Tango
- Frolic
- Two Step Swing
- D Major Fantasy
Helpful Videos:
Ukulele Book Tutorials
What we practiced this week- December 8th
Ms. Sachi’s Classes
Violin 2:50
Great job reviewing all notes on the E-string today!
For next class review pg 23 & 24
Fun home practice video:
Violin 3:25
Great job reviewing the notes on the D and A strings today!
For next class review pg 11: Barcarolle, and all songs on pg 12 & 13.
Ukuleles 3:55
Advanced Violin 4:25
Great job reviewing the Allegro Maestoso. Make sure to practice the notes G-natural (low 2nd finger) and G-sharp (high 2nd finger) on the E-string.
Please work on accurate intonation on pg 4 & 5.
Mr. Dave’s Classes
Piano 2:50
•We had a great class today!
•We played Twinkle on page 16, Mary on page 10, and reviewed our finger placement.
•Remember- each finger has a different note to play!
•Practice our songs through page 10 page 13 and Twinkle on page 16 for a challenge.
- Click Here to Practice with the Piano Videos!
Piano 3:25
•We had a great class today!
•We worked on playing our top and bottom lines separately.
•We played our songs on pages 47 and 50. We are ready to add the left hand line Bass Clef line.
•Go on to Snake Charmer on page 52 for a challenge
- Click Here to Practice with the Piano Videos!
Winds 4:00
•We had a great class today!
•We played a warm up song, and played our new song on page 20 Ode to Joy. We learned what a DS Al Coda means.
•Go on to Yankee Doodle cha-cha on page 13 and page 20 for a challenge.
Winds 4:30
•We had a great class today!
•We played the beginning of Spring and did a deeper dive into Gypsy Dance Minka Minka.
•We learned how to recognize our eighth rests and trickier notes in Gypsy Dance.
•Play through to the key change of Gypsy Dance , Dredyl on page 42, and Spring on page 60.
What we practiced this week- December 1st
Ms. Sachi’s Classes
Violin 2:50
- Today in class we reviewed how to play the notes E, F-sharp, and G-sharp on the E-string.
- For next class review pg 22 & 23
- Fun home practice video:
Violin 3:25
- Great job playing Bridge at Avignon and A Tisket, A Tisket.
- For next class review pg 11: Barcarolle, and all songs on pg 12 & 13.
Ukuleles 3:55
Advanced Violin 4:25
- Great job reviewing the Allegro Maestoso. Make sure to practice the string crossing sections with slurs. Please work on your notation reading and bowing on pg 4 & 5.
Mr. Dave’s Classes
Piano 2:50
•We had a great class today!
•We played and Mary on page 10, Cabbage Song on page 13 and learned about our eighth note rhythms.
•Remember- each finger has a different note to play!
•Practice our songs through page 10 and Cabbage Song on page 13 for a challenge.
- Click Here to Practice with the Piano Videos!
Piano 3:25
- •We had a great class today!
- •We worked on playing our top and bottom lines separately.
- •We played our songs on pages 31-32, and 47. Add the left hand line if you would like.
- •Go on to Are You Sleeping on page 50 for a challenge.
- Click Here to Practice with the Piano Videos!
Winds 4:00
- •We had a great class today!
- •We played Mary and Bad News Bears on page 9 and Cabbage Song on page 13. We learned about our eighth note rhythms.
- •Go on to Yankee doodle cha-cha on page 13 and Twinkle on page 20 for a challenge.
Winds 4:30
- •We had a great class today!
- •We played new song Dredyl on page 42, the beginning of Spring on page 60, Cousin Louie and the beginning of Gypsy Dance.
- •We learned how to recognize our eighth rests and trickier notes in Gypsy Dance.
- •Play through the first three lines of Gypsy Dance , Dredyl on page 42, and Spring on page 60.
What we practiced this week- November 17th
Ms. Sachi’s Classes
Violin 2:50
Today in class we learned how to play “G-sharp,” on the E-string using our 2nd finger.
For next class review pg 20, 21, 22, 23
Fun home practice video:
Violin 3:25
- Great job playing Dreydl, Dreydl and The Victors March today!
- For next class review pg 5 Saints Go Marchin’ In and all songs on pg 9,10, 11.
Ukuleles 3:55
Advanced Violin 4:25
Great job reviewing the pg 4 and 5 of Allegro Maestoso today!Please work on your notation reading and bowing on pg 5.
Mr. Dave’s Classes
Piano 2:50
We had a great class today!
•We played our songs on page 6-8 and Mary on page 10
•Remember- each finger has a different note to play!
•Go on to Cabbage Song on page 13 for a challenge.
- Click Here to Practice with the Piano Videos!
Piano 3:25
•We had a great class today!
•We worked on playing our top and bottom lines separately.
•We played our songs on pages 31-32, and 47. Add the left hand line if you would like.
•Remember- each finger has a different note to play.
•Go on to Are You Sleeping on page 50 for a challenge.
- Click Here to Practice with the Piano Videos!
Winds 4:00
•We had a great class today!
•We played Mary and Bad News Bears on page 9.
•Go on to Yankee doodle cha-cha on page 13 and Twinkle on page 20 for a challenge.
Winds 4:30
•We had a great class today! We are able to play more challenging music now which is great!
•We played pages 55 and 56 in our purple books and Cousin Louie.
•We played the opening to Spring from the Four Seasons on page 60 and the opening of Gypsy Dance.
•We learned how to recognize our eighth rests.
•Play through the beginning of Gypsy Dance and Spring from the Four Seasons at home.
What we practiced this week- October 27th
Ms. Sachi’s Classes
Violin 2:50
- Great job learning how to play half-notes today!
- For next class review Blue Book pg 14 & 15.
- Fun home practice video:
Violin 3:25
- Great job rehearsing Saints Go Marchin’ today!
- For next class review pg 5 Saints Go Marchin’ In and all songs on pg 7.
Ukuleles 3:55
Advanced Violin 4:25
- Great job learning to cross strings from E-string to A-string to play the notes E to D and G to F-sharp today!
- Practice the entire first page of Allegro Maestoso on pg 4.
Mr. Dave’s Classes
Piano 2:50
- We had a great class today!
- We played our songs on page 6-8.
- Remember- each finger has a different note to play!
- We got hear the sound of a flute and see how it’s put together.
- Go on to Mary on page 10 for a challenge.
- Click Here to Practice with the Piano Videos!
Piano 3:25
- We had a great class today!
- We played our songs on pages 31-32, and 47. Add the left hand line if you would like.
- Remember- each finger has a different note to play.
- Go on to Are You Sleeping on page 50 for a challenge.
- Click Here to Practice with the Piano Videos!
Winds 4:00
- We had a great class today!
- We played Mary and Bad News Bears on page 9.
- We learned about a new rhythm- eighth notes
- We had a long note contest at the end for fun
- Go on to Yankee doodle cha-cha on page 13 for a challenge.
Winds 4:30
- We played pages 55 and 56 in our purple books and Cousin Louie.
- We had a long note contest at the end for fun.
- Go on to Spring from the Four Seasons on page 60 and Gypsy Dance for a challenge.
What we practiced this week- October 20th
Violin 2:50
- Great job learning our Halloween piece, Danse Macabre today!
- For next class review Blue Book pg 12, Ping Pong and Danse Macabre
- Fun home practice video:
Violin 3:25
- Great job learning to start on UP bows today!
- For next class review pg 5 Saints Go Marchin’ In and all songs on pg 6.
- Note: make sure to use the entire bow from frog to tip.
Ukuleles 3:55
Advanced Violin 4:25
- Great progress on Can Can today!
- For the next class review the last 2 lines of Can Can.
- Practice first two lines of Red Book: Allegro Maestoso on pg 4.
Piano 2:50
- We had a great class today!
- We reviewed our our finger numbers on page 1 and learned new note E with finger 3 and finger five pinky for our G.
- We played name that tune at the end.
- Play our songs on page 4-5 on your own.
- Go on to pages 6-8 for a challenge.
- Click Here to Practice with the Piano Videos!
Piano 3:25
- We had a great class today!
- We played our songs on pages 26-27 and 31-32 right hand only. Add the left hand line if you would like.
- Go on to page 47 for a challenge.
- Click Here to Practice with the Piano Videos!
Winds 4:00
- We had a great class today!
- Please remember your music each week.
- Play hot crossed buns page 6 and Mary on page 8.
- We had a long note contest at the end for fun
- Go on to Bad News Bears on page 8 for a challenge.
Winds 4:30
- Continue playing pages 55 and 56 in our purple books and Cousin Louie.
- We had a long note contest at the end for fun.
- Go on to Spring from the Four Seasons on page 60 and Gypsy Dance for a challenge.
What we practiced this week- October 13th
Violin 2:50
- Today in class we learned how to play E-string & A-string.
For next class review pg 10-12
Fun home practice video: - THE GUITAR MAN
Violin 3:25
- Great job learning Frog Song today!
- For next class review Frog Song and pg 4-5
- Note: make sure to place your bow between the bridge and black fingerboard.
- Don’t let your bow slide past the fingerboard.
Ukuleles 3:55
Advanced Violin 4:25
- Great progress on Can Can today!
- For next class review the entire page of Can Can.
- Note: make sure to practice SLURRING from E-string to 3rd finger D on A-string.
Piano 2:50
- We had a great class today!
- We reviewed our our finger numbers on page 1 and learned new note E with finger 3.
- Replay name that tune at the end.
- Play our songs on page 4-5 on your own
Piano 3:25
- We had a great class today!
- We played our ongs on pages 26-27 right hand only. Add the left hand line if you would like.
- We played name that tune at the end.
- Go on to pages 29-31 for a challenge
Winds 4:00
- We had a great class today!
- Pages 1, 5 and 6 with our cheeks in.
- Hot cross buns page 6 and Mary page 8
- We had a long note contest at the end for fun.
Winds 4:30
- We played pages 55 and 56 in our purple books and Cousin Louie.
- Go on to page 60 Spring from the four seasons for a challenge
- We had a long note contest at the end for fun.
What we practiced this week- October 6th
Blue Book page 8 & 9:
Practice along with videos:
Practice playing 4, quarter notes on all 4 strings: E, A, D, G
Please review the videos on setting up the violin
Practice opening and setting up the violin. This means placing the shoulder rest on the violin.
Please review the videos on tuning your instrument
Click HERE to download a free digital tuner for an iPhone.
Click HERE to purchase a clip-on tuner via Amazon.
Luc Kabaei
Intermediate violin (3:25)
Today in class we:
reviewed the bow hold and reviewed notes on the D-major scale.
learned how to play Love Somebody, Oats & Beans & Barley Grow.
Purple Real Book page 2 & 3 – all pieces
Please review the videos on setting up the violin.
Practice opening and setting up the violin. This means placing the shoulder rest on the violin.
Please review the videos on tuning your instrument
Click HERE to download a free digital tuner for an iPhone.
Click HERE to purchase a clip-on tuner via Amazon.
Ukulele (3:55)
Today in class we:
reviewed how to play C, F, G7 and C chords.
Practice Ukulele Book pg 6 & 7.
Click the time code below for instructional videos
Chloe Gross
Orchestra violin (4:25)
Today in class we:
reviewed the bow hold. How to play UP bow and Down bow.
reviewed how to play the first 3-lines of Can Can.
Practice first 5-lines of Can Can by Jacques Offenbach.
Practice holding the bow. Watch this instructional video.
Click HERE to download a free digital tuner for an iPhone.
Click HERE to purchase a clip-on tuner via Amazon.
Please review the videos on tuning your instrument
Kinder/1st grade pianos
-Page 1 and songs on page 2-4
-Page 5 for a challenge
With your Right Thumb on MIDDLE C, place your index finger (FINGER NUMBER
2) on the D KEY.
Each key has their own FINGER NUMBER assigned to it! Look for the number written above the note in our songs!
2nd-4th grade pianos
-Songs on pages 26-27 right hand only. Add the left hand line if you would like.
-page 28-29 for a challenge
Beginning Winds
-Getting a sound on our mouthpiece/headjoint
– 3 notes on pages 1, 5 and 6
-Hot crossed buns page 6 and Mary page 8
Int. Winds
-pages 55 and 56 in our purple books.
-Cousin Louie
– please bring both blue and purple books to class.
What we practiced this week- September 29th
Violin 2:50
Blue Book page 6:
Practice playing 4, quarter notes on all 4 strings: E, A, D, G
Please watch this video:
Blue Book page 8: song #1-3
Please watch video
Please review the videos on setting up the violin.
Practice opening and setting up the violin. This means placing the shoulder rest on the violin.
Violin 3:25
Purple Real Book page 1 – all pieces
Open D-string, 1st finger, 2nd finger, 3rd finger
Open A-String, 1st finger, 2nd finger, 3rd finger
Please review the videos on setting up the violin.
Practice opening and setting up the violin. This means placing the shoulder rest on the violin.
Ukuleles 3:55
Practice Ukulele Book pg 4:
#8 “Mary Had a Little Lamb”
#9 “Skip to My Lou”
Practice with the instructional video by clicking HERE
What we practiced this week:
How to play C, C7 , F and G7 chords
Advanced Violin 4:25
Practice first 3-lines of Can Can by Jacques Offenbach.
Practice holding the bow. Watch this instructional video.
Please review the videos on setting up the violin.
Piano 2:50
- Kinder/1st grade pianos
- Page 1 and songs on page 2-4
- With your Right Thumb on MIDDLE C, place your index finger (FINGER NUMBER
- 2) on the D KEY.
- Each key has their own FINGER NUMBER assigned to it! Look for the number written above the note in our songs!
Piano 3:25
-Songs on pages 23-25- right hand only. Add the left hand line if you would like.
Winds 4:00
-Getting a sound on our mouthpiece/headjoint
– 3 notes on pages 1, 5 and 6
Winds 4:30
-pages 16, 21 and 22 in our purple books
– please bring both blue and purple books to class.
What we practiced this week- September 22nd
Violin 2:50
Please review the videos on setting up the violin.
Practice opening and setting up the violin. This means placing the shoulder rest on the violin.
Violin 3:25
Practice playing the D-major scale:
Open D-string, 1st finger, 2nd finger, 3rd finger
Open A-String, 1st finger, 2nd finger, 3rd finger
Please review the videos on setting up the violin.
Practice opening and setting up the violin. This means placing the shoulder rest on the violin.
Ukuleles 3:55
Advanced Violin 4:25
Practice playing the C-major scale, one octave
vRed Book pg 3: A Mighty Fortress is Our God
Practice holding the bow.
Practice opening and setting up the violin. This means placing the shoulder rest on the violin.
Tightening the bow and rosining it.
Please review the videos on setting up the violin.
Piano 2:50
- Page 1 and songs on page 2.
- With your Right Thumb on MIDDLE C, place your index finger (FINGER NUMBER
- 2) on the D KEY.
- Each key has their own FINGER NUMBER assigned to it! Look for the number written above the note in our songs!
Piano 3:25
- Pages 10 and 13 in our books using our right hands.
Winds 4:00
- -Getting a sound on our mouthpiece/headjoint
- – songs on page 2
Winds 4:30
- -pages 16, 21 and 22 in our purple books
- – please bring both blue and purple books to class.