
Wednesdays (2:15PM - 5:30PM)

Practice the following music for our Spring Concert on April 17th!

Mr. Dave's Classes

Piano 2:15

Winds 2:50

Intermediate Winds 3:25

Ukulele 4:00

Helpful Videos:

Ukulele Book Tutorials


2 Videos

What we practiced this week- December 6th

Mr. Dave’s Classes


Piano 2:15

  • We had a great class today!

    We reviewed our song Twinkle and the details of note reading. We learned a new phrase – every good boy does fine to help us read our line notes. 

    Be playing our songs on pages through pages 16 for fun.  

    Go on to Musette on page 17 for a challenge. 

    Great job using with our spider fingers hand position. 

    Remember- this is all new. Do your best.  Great job pianos!!


Winds 2:50

  • We had a great class today!

    We played songs through page 18 and part of Snake Charmer on page 18. We had a long note contest at the end of class.

    For next week review all your songs through page 14 and Jingle Bells on page 19. Go on to Snake Charmer on page 18 and Ode To Joy on page 20 for a challenge. 


Intermediate Winds 3:25

  • We had a great class today! 

    Please sign your child’s practice sheet each week.  Thank you parents! 

    At home practice- 

    Gypsy Dance to the DC al Coda. Play the Coda for a challenge. 

    Camptown Races duet in back of our best beginning books

    Cousin Louie

    New piece- Military March C part. Go on to the A or B part for a challenge 


Ukulele 4:00

  • We had a great class today!

    Review our trickier G7 chord.

    Be playing our songs through page 8 and plucking our new notes songs on pages 13 and 14. 

    Go onto plucking E, and F on pages is 14 and 15.  Try plucking our new song Mary on page 16.  Pick out your own book song to learn. 

    Make sure to keep your ukulele in tune using your clip on tuner!


Ms. Deisree’s Classes


Violin 2:15

  • Today we reviewed our notes E,F#,G# and A
    We reviewed p20,p23
    We learned whole notes and played p28
    For next class play p23, p28

Piano 2:55

  • Today we reviewed p16,17
    We reviewed p21;left hand note ‘G;
    We learned left hand ‘C’ p23
    For next class review p21,p23, try p24

Strings 3:25

  • Today we reviewed p18, we played p20,p22
    We learned repeat sign
    We learned dotted half note played p23
    We played holiday songs p41
    For next class play p18,22,23,41

Strings 4:00

  • We reviewed songs p14,17,
    We played p12,13
    For next class play all your favorite songs

Advanced Pianos 4:35

  • Today we played Jingle bells p66
    We reviewed p42,44, p47
    For next class play p47,p66 try p58