Practice the following music for our Spring Concert!
Mr. Eli's Classes
Violin 3:00
- P.23 Song 27, Hot Cross Buns
- P.24 Song 28, Go Fish Aunt Rhody
- Super Hero Blues
- Super Mario Bro’s Loop
- Two Step Swing
- D Major Fantasy
Strings 3:35
- P.30 Song 73, Camptown Races
- P.21 Song 54, Jingle Bells
- Super Hero Blues
- Super Mario Bro’s Loop
- Two Step Swing
- D Major Fantasy
Ukuleles 4:15
- P.23 This Land is Your Land
- P.29 Rock Around the Clock
- Super Hero Blues
- Super Mario Bro’s Loop
- Two Step Swing
- D Major Fantasy
Surfer Girl:
This Land Is Your Land:
Mr. Chris's Classes
Piano 3:00
- Going home,
- Mary had a little lamb
- Cabbage/Lettuce song duet
- Super Hero Blues
- Super Mario Bro’s Loop
- Two Step Swing
- D Major Fantasy
Piano 3:35
- Twinkle twinkle
- Musette
- This old man
- Super Hero Blues
- Super Mario Bro’s Loop
- Two Step Swing
- D Major Fantasy
Winds 4:00
- Mary had a little lamb
- Yankee doodle cha cha
- Super Hero Blues
- Super Mario Bro’s Loop
- Two Step Swing
- D Major Fantasy
Helpful Videos:
What we practiced this week- November 17th
Mr. Eli’s Classes
Violin 3:00
- Please practice your bunny rabbit bow hold and your notes 1st finger E and second finger F sharp. Work on song 21 on page 19!
Strings 3:35
- Please practice your new 5 note scale up and down. Work on song 34 (soccer champ) on page 13!
Ukuleles 4:15
- We missed most of our friends today. Please review the same material below:
- G7, kind of like G but in reverse (chord chart below)
- We used G7 to learn to play “I Lava You” from the Pixar movie.
Mr. Chris’s Classes
Piano 3:00
- – Reviewed Whole, Half, and quarter notes– Worked on clapping intermediate rhythms– Played through pages 5 in book– Please practice pages 5-6
Piano 3:35
- – Reviewed notes on the treble clef– Worked on clapping intermediate rhythms– Played through pages 5-7– Please practice pages 6-8
Winds 4:00
- – Assembled instruments and worked on sound production– Played through pages 5-6– Please practice pages 6-8
What we practiced this week- November 10th
Mr. Eli’s Classes
Violin 3:00
- We reviewed some songs from last week and started playing F# on the E string!
- We played F# about 300 times 🙂
- Great job learning how to put your fingers on the fingerboard to play melodies!
Strings 3:35
- We reviewed E and F# notes and played some songs on pages 8-12
- Hot Cross Buns (with added harmony!)
- Mary had a little Lamb
- High Dive!
- Work on our new notes E F-sharp and G on the D string!
Ukuleles 4:15
- We forgot our music books, but learned a new chord and song instead!
- G7, kind of like G but in reverse (chord chart below)
- We used G7 to learn to play “I Lava You” from the Pixar movie.
Mr. Chris’s Classes
Piano 3:00
- – Reviewed finger numbers
- – Learned about whole, half, and quarter notes
- – Played through pages 4-5 in book
- – Please practice pages 4-5
Piano 3:35
- – Identified notes on the staff
- – Reviewed whole, half, and quarter notes
- – Played through pages 4-5 in book
- – Please practice pages 4-6
Winds 4:00
- – Assembled instruments and reviewed notes on the staff
- – Played through pages 3-5 in book
- – Learned new notes F and C (G and D on clarinet)
- – Please practice pages 4-5
What we practiced this week- October 27th
Mr. Eli’s Classes
Violin 3:00
- Please practice song 13 on page 14.
- Also work on your new bunny rabbit bow hold! Remember to perch your pinky.
Strings 3:35
- Please practice songs 24-27 on page 9.
- Work on our new notes E F-sharp and G on the D string!
Ukuleles 4:15
- Great job learning the B flat chord this week!
- Practice getting a clear sound on it, and feel free to try This Land was Made for You and Me…
Mr. Chris’s Classes
Piano 3:00
- – Practiced clapping along with a metronome
- – Learned about finger numbers
- – Played pages 2-3 in book
- – Please practice your finger numbers
Piano 3:35
- – Reviewed notes on the staff (treble and bass clef)
- – Learned about finger numbers
- – Played through pages 3-4 in book
- – Please practice your finger numbers
Winds 4:00
- – Assembled instruments and reviewed notes on the staff
- – Practiced pages 2-3
- – Discussed counting basic rhythms
- – Please practice pages 3-4
What we practiced this week- October 20th
Begging violins (3:00): Please practice songs 8-11 on pages 11-12! Remember to count your rests and hold your violin all the way up in play position.
Strings (3:35): Please practice songs 16-19 on page 6 with the bow! Remember to keep bow straight and go for a good clear sound.
Ukes (4:10): great progress this week! Please practice switching to G chord, and work on Don’t Worry About a Thing in your book.
What we practiced this week- October 13th
Piano 3:00
- – Reviewed musical alphabet
- – Reviewed notes C,D,E
- – Learned notes F,G,A,B
- – Please practice playing the musical alphabet on your piano
Piano 3:35
- – Reviewed notes on treble and bass clef
- – Reviewed counting basic rhythms and watching a conductor
- – Play songs 1 & 2 on page 1 in blue book
- – Please practice pages 1-2
Winds 4:00
- – Reviewed notes on the staff
- – Reviewed counting basic rhythms and watching a conductor
- – Play through page 1 in book
- – Please practice pages 1-2 in book
Violin 3:00
- Good work this week!
- Please practice songs 4-5 and make sure your getting a clear plucking sound.
Strings 3:35
- Good work this week!
- Practice songs 13-15 plucking AND with the bow!
- Work on your bow hold and bow sound.
Ukuleles 4:15
- Practice our new chords, A minor and G!
- Practice the song Eleanor Rigby in your book!
What we practiced this week- October 6th
Piano 3:00
Piano 3:35
Winds 4:00
Violin 3:00
- Today we practiced our play position and made our own song on our strings (G D A E).
- Please make your own song at home, and we can perform it in class!
Strings 3:35
- Today we practiced making a bow hold with pencils.
- Try this at home on your bows, and try making a smooth sound on all four strings!
Ukuleles 4:15
- Practice our new chords, A minor and G!
- Practice the song Eleanor Rigby in your book!
What we practiced this week- September 29th
Piano 3:00
Piano 3:35
Winds 4:00
Violin 3:00
Practice holding your violin safely, left hand around the neck!
Try getting into play position and plucking open strings.
Strings 3:35
Practice plucking open strings in play position. Work on page 2 of your book
Ukuleles 4:15
Practice switching between C and F chord.
Remember, left hand fingers should be pressed firmly on top of the string!