Aspire Charter

Monday (4:00PM - 4:30PM)

Check in every week for supplementary material and activities to each week’s lesson. You’ll also be able to submit a video of your weekly practice for personal feedback from our instructors.

Mr. Lyman's Classes

Ms. _____'s Classes

Beginning Winds 4:00

Practice the following topics this week- September 1st


Beginning Winds 4:30:

Practice the following topics this week- September 1st


Advanced Winds 5:00:

Practice the following topics this week- September 1st


Advanced Winds 5:30:

Practice the following topics this week- September 1st


Beginning Strings 4:00

Practice the following topics this week- September 1st


Beginning Strings 4:30:

Practice the following topics this week- September 1st


Advanced Strings 5:00:

Practice the following topics this week- September 1st


Advanced Strings 5:30:

Practice the following topics this week- September 1st


We want to hear from you!

Participate in Flip Grid Challenges by clicking  the red button and record a video for comments from a teacher!

Sign up for office hours!

Have questions about this week's lesson or need help with your instrument? Click the button below to reserve 15 minutes with your instructor.


Here are some helpful videos:

Previous Weeks:

Class on 2/12/21

What we learned and practiced:

    • Practice pages 19-20
      • E is played by Right Hand 3rd Finger
      • A is played by Left Hand 3rd Finger
    • Remember all of the different notes types we have seen:
      • Quarter note: 1 beat
      • Half note: 2 beats
      • Whole note: 4 beats