Practice the following songs for our SPRING CONCERT!
Mrs Suzanna's Classes
Piano 2:45
- Hot Cross Buns (Page 8)
- Mary Had a Little Lamb (Page 10)
- Twinkle Twinkle (Page 16)
- Super Mario Bro’s Loop
- Piano Tango
- Frolic
- Two Step Swing
- D Major Fantasy
Violin 3:15
- Go Fish Aunt Rhody (Page 24)
- Mary Had a Little Lamb (Page 28)
- French Song (Page 29)
- Super Mario Bro’s Loop
- Piano Tango
- Frolic
- Two Step Swing
- D Major Fantasy
Piano 3:45
- Are You Sleeping? (Page 22)
- Rain Rain Go Away (Page 27)
- Almost Home (Page 28)
- Super Mario Bro’s Loop
- Piano Tango
- Frolic
- Two Step Swing
- D Major Fantasy
Strings 4:15
- Symphony No 1 by Brahms (Page )
- This Little Light of Mine (Page )
- Ode to Joy (Page )
- Super Mario Bro’s Loop
- Piano Tango
- Frolic
- Two Step Swing
- D Major Fantasy
Ukuleles 4:45
- When the Saints Go Marchin In (Page 19)
- This Land is Your Land
- Yankee Doodle (Page 21)
- Super Mario Bro’s Loop
- Piano Tango
- Frolic
- Two Step Swing
- D Major Fantasy
Helpful Videos:
Previous Weeks:
What we practiced this week- December 6th
Piano 2:45
- NEW SONG taped in: JINGLE BELLS! Trace over the finger numbers with a pencil; color the jingle bells any colors you want and practice!
Remember to SAY and PLAY while you are playing!
Page 18 has THIS OLD MAN. Start by putting your FINGER 1 (THUMB) on the D key. Play the finger numbers written in and then when you come to the Middle C key; move youhand back to the Middle C Position with Finger 1 (THUMB) on Middle C!
Mystery FIN: Draw a top hat on the old man.
Violin 3:15
- Have some FUN and do the maze on Page 30 & trace the A and E whole notes on Page 31!
NEW NOTE: HIGH A – Finger 3 on the 3rd tape on the E string.
Make sure your hand looks like the drawing on Page 32.
Play the A’s on Page 32 and then go on to play THE PITCHER on Page 33.
If you want to go on, turn the page and practice I’m A LITTLE MONKEY.
Mystery FUN: Color the Pitcher’s pant light blue.
Piano 3:45
- NEW SONG: JINGLE BELLS taped in. Practice this one and color the bells any color you wish!
Repeat CHA CHA CHA and then go on to Page 25 to play NEW NOTE in LEFT HAND “F” with Finger 2 with Bass Clef Frank.
Mystery FUN: Color Frank’s shirt yellow on Page 25.
Strings 4:15
- Keep on practicing Are You Sleeping?, Musette, Symphony No. 1 on Page 11.
Turn to Page 12 and practice UP ON THE HOUSETOP- Add finger numbers!
Mystery FUN: Draw grey smoke out of the chimneys and color Santa’s hats red!
Ukuleles 4:45
- You 3 are really doing GREAT!!
Practice #43 C MAJOR SCALE and then PENCIL in finger numbers for #44. Practice #44 as well!
NEW NOTE – Bb Finger 1 on the A string.
#45 BLUES DUES is so much FUN! Everyone has finger numbers in. Practice plucking each note and then practice the chords!
Mystery FUN: Draw musical notes coming out of saxophone!!
What we practiced this week- November 15th
Mrs Suzanna’s Classes
Piano 2:45
- Today we learned how to use our Finger 5 (PINKY) for our new note “A” (next door neighbor to G)
Everyone has finger numbers.
Mystery FUN: Color the star YELLOW!!
Violin 3:15
- Great job today!! We learned about the WHOLE NOTES getting 4 beats. Color the whole notes on Page 27.
Turn the page and practice MARY HAD A LITTLE LAMB and then FRENCH SONG!
Remember to put your thumb on the sticker and those fingers must be on the tapes!
Mystery FUN: Draw in faces of the violin players and conductor on Page 29 AND color in BLACK pants and a BLUE shirt for the conductor!
Piano 3:45
- GREAT job today! We learned how to play 2 notes in the left hand and hold it down for 4 beats PLUS playing the left & right hand together on Beat 1 as the notes are stacked on top of each other like a SNOWMAN: they must be played at the same time.
Practice LEFTY TWO NOTE on Page 23 and then CHA CHA CHA on Page 24.
Mystery FUN: Color the maracas RED, YELLOW and BLUE on page 24
Strings 4:15
- GREAT job today!! Keep on practicing songs on Page 9 and finish Page 10’s Lo Yisa Goy.
Go on to Page 11 Baa Baa Black Sheep plus Symphony No. 1 We put in an UP BOW “V” on top of the pick up note “D”.Make sure your bow is in the middle on the string and then go to the LEFT for that “D”.
Mystery FUN: Draw & color a BLACK sheep near the number 11.
Ukuleles 4:45
- GREAT job today! You 3 are doing very well!
We learned about the TIE (like a “+” sign in math) ; add up the number of beats BUT only pluck the first note – let it ring out for the number of beats.
Dotted Half note = 3 beats.
We penciled in the finger numbers to pluck each not for WHEN THE SAINT’S GO MARCHIN’ IN. And we played it a few times.
Practice plucking and also the CHORDS.
If you wish to go on to #43 & #44 on Page 20: make sure you pencil in the finger numbers! “)
If you want to play a song – please tell me and I will find a ukulele version for us!
Mystery FUN: Color the drums YELLOW, BLUE and ORANGE on Page 19
What we practiced this week- November 8th
Piano 2:45
- Today we learned about 8th notes!! THey are quick-quick and we say “Ti-Ti” when we play them!
Finish writing in the finger numbers for PAGE 12!
Say the rhythms before you play:
#19 Ta Ta Ti-Ti- Ta….
#20 Ti-Ti Ta Ta Ta…
#21 Ta Ti-Ti Ta ta …
#22 Ti-Ti Ta Ta ta…
Mystery FUN: Draw a smiley face on the top of Page 12.
Violin 3:15
- Great Job playing your G#’s on the E string!
Practice ALL songs on Pages 22 & 23 with our E string; FInger 1 F# and FInger 2 G#!
Mystery FUN:Draw in faces for the two Cello Players and then color their cellos BROWN!
Piano 3:45
- Don’t look at your fingers – ONLY LOOK AT THE MUSIC!
Practice THIS OLD MAN – and start with FInger 1 on D NOT Middle C.;
Finger 1 back to Middle C on the 3rtd line where it says to!
Mystery FUN: Draw a black top hat on the old man
Strings 4:15
- Good work on the 8th notes!! Quick-Quick!
Practice ARE YOU SLEEPING – don’t rush! 🙂
Put Finger Numbers in MUSETTE now so we can readi it next week in class!
Mystery FUN: Color the bedspread BLUE
Ukuleles 4:45
- FINISH writing in the Finger Numbers for #35 and #36.
Go back if you need to look them up. You should be able to pluck each note! 🙂
New Chords: G and D7 on Page 17.
Practice ROW ROW ROW your BOAT and We Wish You a MERRY CHRISTMAS now taped into your book!
Mystery FUN: Color the kayak ORANGE and ukulele BROWN on Page 16.
What we practiced this week- November 1st
Piano 2:45
- Did you fill in your MINUTES in your PRACTICE CHART??
New Note: F played with Finger #4. Practice songs on Page 11
Mystery FUN: Color the King’s crown with different colors for each jewel!
Violin 3:15
- Did you fill in your MINUTES in your PRACTICE CHART??
- Practice Page 20 SHORTNIN’ BREAD and then Practice New Note G# played with Finger #2 on the E string on the second tape on Page 21.
- Mystery FUN: Color the Violin BROWN on page 21.
Piano 3:45
- Did you fill in your MINUTES in your PRACTICE CHART??
- Practice MUSETTE on Page 17. Remember the 8th notes are Quick-Quick.
- Mystery FUN: Color Bach’s ants GREEN and shirt YELLOW
Strings 4:15
- Did you fill in your MINUTES in your PRACTICE CHART??
- REPEAT DREYDL on Page 6 and then go on to Page 8 POP GOES THE WEASEL and JINGLE BELLS
Remember the 8th notes are Quick-Quick! - Mystery FUN: Color the bells YELLOW on Page 8 and try drawing a weasel at the top of the page!
Ukuleles 4:45
- NEW SONG: YOU ARE MY SUNSHINE! Taped into your book.
- Practice & Sing it, too!
Practice Page 16 Both Ways: plucking each note, and then strumming the chords.
Practice THIS LAND IS YOUR LAND (taped in) and then ROW ROW ROW YOUR BOAT (Taped in) - Mystery Fun: Color the flowers diffferent colors on the YOUR ARE MY SUNSHINE sheet.
What we practiced this week- October 25th
Mrs Suzanna’s Classes
Piano 2:45
- Everyone got a PRACTICE CHART today! Write in the number of MINUTES each day you practice; add them up and then have your parent initial each week!
Very nice playing today!
Wlearned the REPEAT SIGN (go back and play it again) and the WHOLE NOTE (4 beats)
We went over FRENCH FRIES amd GOING HOME on Page 15. Practice these two songs slowly and make sure your hand is like a spider!
Then turn the page and play MARRY HAD A LITTLE LAMB on Page 10!
MYSTERY FUN: Color the french fries YELLOW on Page 9 and then on Page 10, color the sky BLUE behind the lamb.
Violin 3:15
- Everyone got a PRACTICE CHART today! Write in the number of MINUTES each day you practice; add them up and then have your parent initial each week!
Beautiful playing today!
Trace and Draw the TREBLE CLEF on Page 16!
NEW NOTE: F# = Finger 1 on the 1st tape on the E string.
Make sure your fingers and hand look like the drawing on Page 17. Play those 7 F#’s !
On Page 18, Practice My F#; The French Horn Man and Movin’ Down~
MYSTERY FUN: Golor the Freench Horn TELLOW and give the player BLUE EYES on Page 18
Piano 3:45
- Everyone got a PRACTICE CHART today! Write in the number of MINUTES each day you practice; add them up and then have your parent initial each week!
Nice playing today!
We went over #25. SPRING THEME on Page 14. Remember 8th notes are quick quick. Practice this song slowly!
On Page 15 we have a NEW NOTE: A played with Finger 5! The line before and after the finger number tells you that your finger is moving (in this case; Finger 5 is moving from G to the A)
PracticePage 15 and the turn to Page 16 and practice TWINKLE, TWINKE, LITTLE STAR.M with your new Note A.
MYSERY FUN: Color the robin bird RED on Page 14 and the draw in and color 5 more stars YELLOW on Page 16.
Strings 4:15
- Everyone got a PRACTICE CHART today! Write in the number of MINUTES each day you practice; add them up and then have your parent initial each week!
Practice each song 3x before moving on! In class we played the songs 3x each and they sounded better and better!
Practice ALL soings on Page 6 and if you want to go on to Page 7: do it!
Write in finger numbers if you need to.
Also : always check on your bow grip!! Violins: “Pour the water down the sink – to the left” bend thumb! - Cello: “Hand dripping from the water bucket- fingers straight with slightly bent thumb.”
MYSTERY FUN: Draw in 2 stars abouve the words TWINKLE, TWINKLE on Page 6
Ukuleles 4:45
- Everyone got a PRACTICE CHART today! Write in the number of MINUTES each day you practice; add them up and then have your parent initial each week!
Beautiful playing today!
Practice going between all the different chords so that you can get better and better at switrching!
Nice plucking each onte on at a time!
We learned the D on the C string with Finger 2 on the 2nd fret; THEN we learned the E string and putting Finger 1 on the 1st fret for the F ; THEN
we added our Finger 3 for the G on the 3rd Fret!
Go over all the songs with the E, F and G! Pluck each note with your thumb and have the other fingers on the body of the Ukulele to stabilize.
Back of Ukulele is up against your tummy.
We went over THIS LAND IS YOUR LAND (Taped into your book): Practice this song slowly and make sure you can play the chords easil
MYSTERY FUN: Color the soccer ball BLUE and the fire ORANGE on Page 15
What we practiced this week- October 18th
Piano 2:45
- Great Job today!! We learned about the DOTTED HALF NOTE getting 3 beats!
- We learned a new note: E We play it with FINGER #3.
- Please practice the songs on Page 8. They start with Finger #3 E!
- Color the muffins yellow AND draw a smiley face under the number 8!
Violin 3:15
- Great Job today!! We were all doing fantastic with NOT PLAYING ON THE RESTS!!! 🙂
- WE learned that a HALF note gets 2 beats: draw your bow in one direction for 2 counts.
- Trace and draw some half notes on Page 13.
- Practice ALL songs on Pages 13 & 14.
- Color the Karate belt black and draw in faces on Page 14.
- Color the skateboard blue and draw in the face on Page 15.
Piano 3:45
- Great Job today! Nice playing the homework songs.
- We learned about 8th notes – we say “Ti-Ti” and they are quicker than Quarter notes!
- Clap the rhythm of each Exercise on Page 12, and then play.
- When we have 4 8th notes, we can connect them together – see Page 13.
- Say the rhythm first, then play on Page 13.
- Ti-Ti-Ti-Ti Ta Ta
- Put finger numbers if needed!
Strings 4:15
- Great Job today! Sebastian: Thank you for playing a song for us in class!! Bravo!! 🙂
- We are starting to sound better and better.
- Warm up with Page 4 and Practice ALL songs on Page 5.
- Make sure you are on the correct string and that your bow is in the Magic Square.
- Say the notes as you play them – it really helps!! 🙂
Ukuleles 4:45
- Great job today!!
- Remember the strings: Good Children Eat Apples
- Today we continued with our strum pattern of DOWN:Quarter note DOWN/UP:8th-8th (8th rest) UP:8th note DOWN: Quarter note
- We learned a new chord today: Am using only our Finger 2 on the G string in the 2nd fret box.
- Warmup: ALL songs on Page 11 with the strum pattern with the C, Am, F and G7 chords.
- Practice SWEET BETSY FROM PIKE on Page 12
- We learned to pluck ONE NOTE: the C string AND we added the note D using our 2nd Finger on the 2nd fret!
- Practice #’s 26-28.
- I taped in some extra songs into your front and back covers of your book. You can start to look at them if you want! 🙂
- Extra Credit: Practice changing from one chord to another:
G7 C G7 F F G7 A F G7
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / then / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
What we practiced this week- October 11th
Piano 2:45
- Good job not playing on the rests!!
- Practice Page 5 and SAY the note as you PLAY the note!!
- Today we learned finger 5 is G!
- Practice Page 6. Remember the HALF note gets 2 beats – hold down your finger for 2 beats!
Leave ALL your fingers down on the white keys and just press one at a time when you read the music!
Violin 3:15
- Please remember your book each class!
- Great job today playing the songs with the E’s and A’s!!
- When you see a rest – stop your bow and whisper the word REST!
- Practice all the songs on Pages 10, 11 and 12!
- Try to extend your arm to make your bow go all the way to the tip!
Piano 3:45
- Make sure you bring your book to class each week- we may have to mark things!
- Great job today!
- The WHOLE note gets 4 beats and the REPEAT SIGN tells us to go back and play it again!
NEW NOTE: F with Finger 4. - Practice all songs on Pages 9, 10 & 11!
- If you need to write in finger numbers – please do it with a pencil!
Strings 4:15
- Use you whole bow as much as you can! Get a beautiful sound!
- For Homework: warm up on the songs on Page 3, then practice all the songs on Page 4 and 5.
- If you need to write in Finger Numbers – do so with a pencil.
- Remember not to play on the rest!!
- Lyla and Sebastian: if you want to play one of the songs for the class – that would be great!!
Ukuleles 4:45
- Great job today!!
- Strumming in both directions for the 8th notes – “Ti=Ti”
- Page 10 we have the 8th rest = “AIR STRUM” ( the Arrow pointing down )to set up for the UP strum!
- Practice Page 10 and get comfortable with the strumming DOWN and UP!
- Practice these exercises:
F C F G7 C
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
G7 F G7 F
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
Next week: 2 new songs we will tape into your book.
What we practiced this week- October 4th
2:45pm Keyboard
Absent: Mila
Please Review Page 3 : Notes Middle C and D next door; Quarter REST (SHHHHH!)
Page 4: Quarter note = 1 beat Half Note = 2 beats
Practice all songs on Pages 3 & 4.
Remember not to play on the rests!!
Remember to curve your fingers like a spider!
LOOK ON BACK COVER for info on how to see my tutorial videos online for each page of the book!
3:15pm BLUE Violins
Page 7: Trace and Draw the # and then the Quarter Rest!
Page 8:Practice My First Song, Seven Big E’s and The Bike Race.
Remember not to play on the rests!
3:45pm Keyboard
Great Class today!! You now know how to play 4 notes on the Keyboard:
Middle C, D, E and G!!
You also know: Quaerter note = 1 beat Half note = 2 beats Dotted Half Note = 3 beats Quarter rest = 1 beat of SILENCE
Practice all songs 1-13.
Remember to curve your fingers like a spider!
LOOK ON BACK COVER for info on how to see my tutorial videos online for each page of the book!
4:15pm YELLOW Violins & Cello
Please review Page 1 (OPEN STRINGS), Page 2 (Notes on the D STRING) and Practice ALL songs on Page 3.
If you need to write in FINGER NUMBERS above the notes: please do!
Remember your bow MUST be in the MAGIC SQUARE (Area between the bridge & fingerboard)
Make sure your LEFT thumb is on the STICKER!!
Make sure you are holding the bow stick like I showed you in class – with the pencil stick!
4:45pm Ukulele
GREAT job in class today!
Practice TUNING your ukulele with the clip on tuner: remember that when it turns GREEN: then you know you got the correct pitch!
G C E A (Good Children Eat Apples) from the string nearest your nose to the string closest to the ground
Remember that the back of the Ukulele is up against your tummy and uyour LEFT thumb is on the back side of the ukulele neck.
You are strumming so well and you know C, C7, G7, F chords and you know how to strum DOWN and UP!
The 8th notes are faster and we strum DOWN and UP for the Ti-Ti.
Repeat sign mean go back and play it again!
Practice ALL the songs on Page 6. SAY TA for the quarter notes and Ti=Ti for the 8th notes as shown in #’s 14 15.
Can you write in the TA’s and Ti=Ti’s for #16?