West Hollywood

Fridays (3:10PM - 5:15PM)

Practice the following music for our Spring Concert!

Helpful Videos:

Piano Fun Book Videos

3 Videos

What we practiced this week- December 8th

Mrs Lauren’s Classes


Violin 3:10

  • Race car review!
    – ants
    – bow hold
    – my first song
    – Mississippi hot dog

Strings 3:35

  • Race car review!
    – ants
    – Two for nothing
    – jingle bells
    – Mary had a little lamb

Pianos 4:20

  • Race car review!
    – twinkle
    – Mary had a little lamb
    – jingle bells

Ms. Shannon’s Classes


Piano 3:10

  • Today we continued to work on Jingle Bells. We also had a refresher on how to keep all five fingers on their respective keys (C-G respective of fingers 1-5).
    HW- try to play through 4 measures of Jingle Bells (pg 66) WITHOUT moving your hand from the keys!

Piano 3:45

  • Today we continued learning Jingle Bells, moving on to measures 5-8, making sure we used correct fingers.
    HW- try to play the entire pg 66 right hand part of Jingle Bells!

Winds 4:20

  • Today we reviewed our homework to learn the 5 notes needed to play Jingle Bells. We now have a competition to see which section plays their tetrachord scale the best! 
    HW- work on those scales! Trombone and Flute (Bb,C,D,Eb, F), Saxes (G, A, B, C, D), Clarinets (C,D,E,F,G)

Piano 4:55

  • Today we continued learning Jingle Bells, going over how to transition our hands for chords in the left hand!
    HW- play all of pg. 66 of Jingle Bells, focusing on clean and small transitions in the left hand

What we practiced this week- December 1st

Mrs Lauren’s Classes


Violin 3:10

  • – Simon says with open strings
    – Mississippi hot dog rhythm
    – who played it game

Strings 3:35

  • – jingle bells! 
    – Simon says

Pianos 4:20

  • – jingle bells!
    – who played it game

Ms. Shannon’s Classes


Piano 3:10

  • Today we began to start learning Jingle Bells. We learned how to read notes on the staff without the notes names in the middle, and reviewed how to keep our hands close to the keys so that we can play all the notes we need.
  • HW: Quiz yourself on Every Good Burger Deserves Fries on the lines, FACE for the spaces, and try to play measure 3 of Jingle Bells on page 66 (right hand only)

Piano 3:45

  • Today we started Jingle Bells, and got through the first 4 measures on the right hand with ease. We also learned how to read notes on the staff without the notes names in the middle- great work today!
  • HW:  Play through measures 1-4 of Jingle Bells on page 66 perfectly! Review Every Good Burger Deserves Fries on the lines, FACE for the spaces.

Winds 4:20

  • Today we did a quick review of our notes and we now want to beginning learning new notes to play Jingle Bells!
  • HW: Saxes- learn notes G-D using fingering charts in our books, Clarinets learn C-G, Flutes and Trombone learn notes Bb-F

Piano 4:55

  • Today we started learning to play Jingle Bells on page 66 with both right hand AND left hand parts! Good work today!
  • HW: Play though page 1 of Jingle Bells with both left and right hand parts.

What we practiced this week- November 3rd

Mrs Lauren’s Classes


Violin 3:10

  • – played Ants
  • – learned 3 songs! 
  • 1. My first song
  • 2. 7 big E’s
  • 3. Bike Race

Strings 3:35

  • – started Mary Had a little lamb
  • – violin: F# = 2 on D string, E = 1 on D string
  • – finish song if you can!!

Pianos 4:20

  • – monster eyes curved fingers
  • – Learned the cabbage song
  • – Start the lettuce song if you are comfortable with the cabbage song
  • – played name that note 

Ms. Shannon’s Classes


Piano 3:10

  • Today we went over notes C-G, and we began learning about eighth notes!
  • HW: Master #19-20 in your books!

Piano 3:45

  • We played through #19 in our books to master eighth notes, and we also learned about how to find beats within a measure to help us count eighth notes!
  • HW: Start learning The Cabbage Song!

Winds 4:20

  • We played through music from “Jaws’” today- we did an excellent job!
  • HW: work on #5-8 in our books- go up to #11 if ready!

Piano 4:55

  • Today we got to play through Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and Musette. We will attempt to learn an excerpt of Fur Elise next week!
  • HW- Continue to work on Spring Theme and #38 left hand exercise

What we practiced this week- October 27th

Mrs Lauren’s Classes


Violin 3:10

  • We practiced our Halloween song! Then went on a “trip” to a haunted house. Happy Halloween!
  • Black cat – violin and piano
  • Then we reviewed our bow holds: hang like a monkey, bite the banana, pinky on top!

Strings 3:35

  • We practiced our Halloween song! Then went on a “trip” to a haunted house. Happy Halloween!
D.      A.      D.      A.    A. A.  A.   A.  A. 
Black cat, black cat looking for a witch
D.       A.     D.     A.    A.  A.   A.    A.   A. 
Black cat, black cat night as dark as pitch
B.   B.    B.    B.    B.    B.   B.   B.    B.  
You can see me ‘cause your eyes are green
D.      A.      D.     A.    D.   D.   D.   D.   D. 
Black cat, black cat, this is Halloween! Boo!
  • The B note is one finger on the A string. We will practice it more next week!

Pianos 4:20

  • We practiced our Halloween song together! Happy Halloween!
    C.       G.    C.    G.     G.   G.  G.   G.  G. 
    Black cat, black cat looking for a witch
    C.       G.    C.    G.     G.    G.   G.   G.   G. 
    Black cat, black cat, night as dark as pitch (move hand over one key to the right)
    A.    F.     A.    F.   G.  G.  G.  G.   G. 
    You can see me ‘cause your eyes are green (move hand back)
    C.      G.    C.      G.     G.  F.  E. D.  C. 
    Black cat, black cat, this is Halloween! (Smash!)
    We will circle back to Spring next week!

Ms. Shannon’s Classes


Piano 3:10

  • We reviewed “Hot Cross Buns” and we learned the note Eb to play the “This is Halloween” from the Nightmare Before Christmas! Great work today!
  • HW- continue working on using correct fingers on the notes C-E. Keeping looking at Hot Cross Buns and This is Halloween!

Piano 3:45

  • We played #19 in our books to learn about eighth notes. We also did a great job starting “This is Halloween!”
  • HW: work on #20-22 in our books and see if you can find the notes Db and Bb for “This is Halloween”

Winds 4:20

  • We took a look at how to read notes on a staff using “Every Good Boy Does Fine,” and we are perfecting our first few notes.
  • HW: work on the music for JAWS here:
  • Jaws

Piano 4:55

  • We are moving fast! We were able to play our duet today of “The Cabbage/Lettuce Song.” We also learned about using our left hand today- great work!
  • HW- Spring Theme and in “left hand ostinato”  in the book!

What we practiced this week- October 13th

Violin 3:10

  • – Learned how to hold the bow! Hang like a monkey, bite the banana, pinky on top!
  • *remember all the fingers go over the bow, the thumb goes next to the hump of the frog and is bent, and the pinky sits on top!
  • – Wheels on the bus with bow holds
  • – Reviewed the Ants song and My First Song
  • – Learned Bumper Cars – practice for next week!

Strings 3:35

  • – Reviewed the Ants song
  • – Learned how to hold the bow! 
  • *remember all the fingers go over the bow, the thumb goes next to the hump of the frog and is bent, and the pinky sits on top (except for cello)!
    – Practiced moving the bow in the air
    – Learned how to put one finger on the D string (makes it the E note) 
    – Practice any song with the first finger in the book for solos next time!

Pianos 4:20

  • – Reviewed Mary Had a Little Lamb and CDE song
  • – Started learning Spring! Practice the first line for next week, and we will learn the rest next week. If you have that down, learn the rest of the song! We will also do Twinkle next week.

Piano 3:10

  • We are now moving on to learning musical notes! We learned about quarter notes, half notes, and dotted-half notes.
  • HW: work on Hot Cross Buns

Piano 3:45

  • We are continuing to make progress and move forward in our books!
  • HW: Work on Mary Had a Little Lamb- extra credit if Hot Cross Buns is perfected.

Winds 4:20

  • We now know how to assemble our instruments and we learned our first notes! We also did a long-note contest to see who could play a note the longest.
  • HW: Look at #1-4 in the books to review/learn your first two notes!

Piano 4:55

  • We are moving very fast through our books! The class performed Mary Had a Little Lamb and learned “The Imperial March” from Star Wars. 
  • HW- look at the numbers in your book after Mary Had a Little Lamb and see how far you can go! Work on reaching the black keys on “The Imperial March.”

What we practiced this week- October 6th

Violin 3:10

  • – Learned how to hold the bow! Hang like a monkey, bite the banana, pinky on top!
  • *remember all the fingers go over the bow, the thumb goes next to the hump of the frog and is bent, and the pinky sits on top!
  • – Wheels on the bus with bow holds
  • – Reviewed the Ants song and My First Song
  • – Learned Bumper Cars – practice for next week!

Strings 3:35

  • – Reviewed the Ants song
  • – Learned how to hold the bow! 
  • *remember all the fingers go over the bow, the thumb goes next to the hump of the frog and is bent, and the pinky sits on top (except for cello)!
    – Practiced moving the bow in the air
    – Learned how to put one finger on the D string (makes it the E note) 
    – Practice any song with the first finger in the book for solos next time!

Pianos 4:20

  • – Reviewed Mary Had a Little Lamb and CDE song
  • – Started learning Spring! Practice the first line for next week, and we will learn the rest next week. If you have that down, learn the rest of the song! We will also do Twinkle next week.

Piano 3:10

  • We are now moving on to learning musical notes! We learned about quarter notes, half notes, and dotted-half notes.
  • HW: work on Hot Cross Buns

Piano 3:45

  • We are continuing to make progress and move forward in our books!
  • HW: Work on Mary Had a Little Lamb- extra credit if Hot Cross Buns is perfected.

Winds 4:20

  • We now know how to assemble our instruments and we learned our first notes! We also did a long-note contest to see who could play a note the longest.
  • HW: Look at #1-4 in the books to review/learn your first two notes!

Piano 4:55

  • We are moving very fast through our books! The class performed Mary Had a Little Lamb and learned “The Imperial March” from Star Wars. 
  • HW- look at the numbers in your book after Mary Had a Little Lamb and see how far you can go! Work on reaching the black keys on “The Imperial March.”

What we practiced this week- September 29th

Violin 3:10

– the violin is a new baby! We take care of it

– parts of the violin
– ants song
– parts of the bow
– play the violin!
Homework: ants song
Every Every Every every little Ant Ant Ant dings into the Dirt Dirt Dirt going under Ground Ground Ground

Strings 3:35

– parts of the instrument
– Ants song
– parts of the bow
– play the instrument with the bow
– my First Song (7 D’s)
Homework: ants song
Every Every Every every little Ant Ant Ant dings into the Dirt Dirt Dirt going under Ground Ground Ground carrying their Cellos Cellos Cellos
– my first song – 7 Ds

Pianos 4:20

– finger numbers
– CDE (by the two black notes)
– CDE song – paper
– learned G
– Mary Had a Little Lamb (page 10 in book)
– remember to use 1 on C, 2 on D, 3 on E, 4 on F, 5 on G
– CDE song
– Mary had a little lamb
– any song in the book before Mary had a little lamb

Ukuleles 4:55

– learned C, F, and G chord and learned Somewhere Over the Rainbow

Piano 3:10

We got acquainted with our pianos, learning abour fingers 1-3 and about our black keys in groups of 2 and 3.
HW- work on our “Twinkles” on the black keys

Piano 3:45

We learned about fingers 1-5 today, and we started playing in out books!
HW: work on #3-4 in our books, and you may proceed up to #6 if ready 

Winds 4:20

Since many of us didn’t have our instruments, we talked about expectations for the coming year and students got a performance from their teacher! Flutes got to see how to do set-up and embouchure. Some can already play on their head joint, excellent job!
HW- get those instruments! Look up resources on instrument set-up and practice putting your instrument together correctly and carefully.
Michael only HW- see how long you can play a note on the head joint and full set-up

Piano 4:55

Great progress on the first day, we are moving fast through the book!
HW- practice Mary Had a Little Lamb with correct fingers!